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Compare Bridging Loans

Top 10 Finance Ltd, Bridging Loans Rex House 4-12 regent street London SW1Y 4PE

Martin Lewis is an expert in financial services who started a loan comparison web site and is now involved in television, we believe he sold out to another leader in the financial comparison sector in around 2012, most of these financial advice websites derive income from either spot advertising of selling leads to financial advisors, looking through we could not determine any information that would suggest that bridging loans are available or on offer.

 Bridging Finance is exactly the same as a bridging loan that being a loan whereby an asset is pledged as the security should the borrower fail to redeem the loan in the allocated time, the asset more often than not tends to be a property, either one that is being bought or sold, however, any valuable asset can be used to secure a bridging loan against including the likes of Art, Antiques and even jewelry.

Typically the loan period would be set at 12 months it could be more in some cases up to 18 months and even less than a month, it makes no difference to the lender how long the loan is available for so most people opt for a 12-month loan, interest is only going to be payable on the length of time it is outstanding for and as it is calculated daily that is all you will ever have to pay for.


 You must also take into account additional costs that you will incur as a result of taking out this type of finance, first you will have an arrangement fee to pay this is nearly always 2% of the loan advanced to you and taken off the loan you receive, on top of this you will be expected to pay the lenders costs and your own costs for legal representation, and finally the cost of a valuation on the property that you intend to offer the lender as collateral for the loan.

 Target Mortgages are experts in arranging bridging loans and are on the premier panels of all the major lenders in fact we do so much business with them we can access preferential rates that would not normally be available to other brokers.


Get in touch you can call us anytime 24/7  or fill in the form on this web page and we will contact you to provide your quote.


With over 20 years of experience you can be assured of the very best help and advice from our team.




The UK'S Cheapest Bridging loans get your bridging loan quote now

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